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AKC GCH AKC/ASCA CH Meadowlawn's Night To Remember, ASCA CD "Ethan"

(HOF CH Firethornes Night Moves x HOF CH Meadowlawn's Standing Ovation)

Owned & spoiled in retirement by the Skinner Family


ASCA/CKC CH Meadowlawn's Lost In The Moment "Vixen"

RWB 2009 USASA National Specialty

(HOF CH Firethornes Night Moves x HOF CH Meadowlawn's Standing Ovation)

Owned by Michele Fitzpatrick


AKC/ASCA CH Meadowlawn's Evening Attire "Blake"

(CH Meadowlawn's One More Night x HOF GCH CH Sonkist Evening At The Emmys, CD)

Owned by Pat Maus


ASCA CH Meadowlawn's Work Of Art, CD, RN "Zane"

(CH Meadowlawn's One More Night x HOF GCH CH Sonkist Evening At The Emmys, CD)

Owned by Josie Scoonover-Nelson


AKC GCH AKC/ASCA CH Cattail Ridge Meadowlawn Lucky Find "Clover"

(HOF GCHS CH Copperridge Fire N Bayouland x HOF GCH CH Sonkist Evening At The Emmys, CD)

Bred/Owned by Ashley Wersinger, Cattail Ridge, and Meadowlawn


Meadowlawn Heartland Sweet Dreams "Lexi"

(GCH CH Heartland's Creme De La Creme x CH Meadowlawn Tonight's The Night)

Owned by Jim & Michelle Robin


Meadowlawn's Stellar Night, RN "Stella"

(GCH CH Heartland's Creme De La Creme x CH Meadowlawn Tonight's The Night)

Owned by Kirsten Ervin, Callaway Aussies


ATCHII Meadowlawn's Boostin' Swiftly  "Boost"

(GCH CH Calais Carolina You Said It x CH Meadowlawn Tonight's The Night)

Owned by Lisa Merriam


A-CH Meadowlawn's Worth The Wait "Guinness"

(GCH CH Calais Carolina You Said It x HOF GCH CH Sonkist Evening At The Emmys, CD)

Owned by Kirsten Ervin, Callaway Aussies


Meadowlawn's Lo Cash Cowboy, BN, NAJ, GS-O, JS-E, RS-E  "Howie"

(GCH CH Calais Carolina Unmarked Bills, STDs x HOF GCH CH Ninebark Silver Buttons)

Owned by Jenna Sobeck


AKC GCH AKC/ASCA CH Callaway Meadowlawn Truth Be Told "Logan"

(CH Hearthside Auspicious x GCH CH Ninebark Truth Or Dare, ROMCI)

Co-bred with Kirsten Ervin & Valerie Yates

Owned by Kirsten Ervin, Callaway Aussies


AKC GCH/ASCA CH Callaway Meadowlawn Looking Forward, DNA-CP "Roan"

(CH Hearthside Auspicious x GCH CH Ninebark Truth Or Dare, ROMCI)

Co-bred with Kirsten Ervin & Valerie Yates

Owned by Stephanie Ihbe, Heartland Aussies

Visit Roan's Page


AKC CH Cattail Ridge Meadowlawn Callin' The Shots "Collin"

(CH Hearthside Auspicious x CH Meadowlawn Cattail Ridge Irresistible)

Bred by Cattail Ridge & Meadowlawn

Owned by Delise Meland & Cattail Ridge


Meadowlawn Storm In A Shot Glass "Reba"

(GCHG CH Ninebark Boldly Go, RNX x WTCH Meadowlawns Silver Dollar, HSAds)

Owned by Jenna Sobek

Billie Jean

ATCHII Meadowlawn She's The One "Billie Jean"

(GCH CH Meadowlawn's Night To Remember, CD x CH Meadowlawn's Bound To Fly, NA, NAJ)

Owned by Lauren Eberhart


Meadowlawn Ninebark Muddy Puddles, RN "Peppa"

BISS GCHG CH Ninebark Boldly Go, RNX, ROMCI X WTCH Meadowlawn's Silver Dollar, HSAds, JHDs)

Bred by Meadowlawn & Ninebark

Owned by Emily Maus


BIS AKC/CKC GCH AKC/ASCA CH Ninebark Meadowlawn Nitelite of Callaway, TKN "Eevee"

CH Hearthside Auspicious  X GCH CH Ninebark Truth Or Dare, ROMCI)

Bred by Callaway, Meadowlawn & Ninebark

Owned by Ninebark & Meadowlawn

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